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Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Cervantes.


Six Superlative Sources

· Cannavaggio, Jean (1990). Cervantes (a biography), trans. J.R. Jones. W.W. Norton.

· Fuentes, Carlos (1976). Don Quixote, or the Critique of Reading. University of Texas Press.

· Gilman, Stephen (1989). The Novel According to Cervantes. University of California Press.

· Lezra, Jacques (1997). Unspeakable Subjects: The Genealogy of the Event in Early Modern Europe. Stanford University Press.

· Riley, E.C. (1986). Don Quixote. Allen and Unwin.

· Wilson, Diana de Armas (2000). Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World. Oxford University Press.

Other Excellent Sources

· Cervantes Project 2001

· Allen, John J. (1969 and 1979). Don Quixote: Hero or Fool? 2 vols. University Presses of Florida.

· Armas, Frederick A. (1998). Cervantes, Raphael and the Classics. Cambridge University Press.

· Auerbach, Erich (1953). The Enchanted Dulcinea, in Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, trans. Willard R. Trask. Princeton University Press, pp. 334-58.

· Bakhtin, M.M. (1981). The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press.

· Bloom, Harold (1994). Cervantes: The Play of the World, in The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. Harcourt Brace, pp. 127-45.

· Cascardi, Anthony (1986). The Bounds of Reason: Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert. Columbia University Press.

· Clamurro, William H. (1997). Beneath the Fiction: The Contrary Worlds of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares. Peter Lang.

· Close, Anthony (1977). The Romantic Approach to Don Quixote: A Critical History of the Romantic Tradition in Quixotic Criticism. Cambridge University Press.

· Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1936). Lecture VIII: Don Quixote, Cervantes, in Coleridge's Miscellaneous Criticism, ed. Thomas Middleton Raysor. Constable, pp. 98-110.

· Cruz, Anne J., and Carroll B. Johnson, ed. (1998). Cervantes and His Postmodern Constituencies. Garland.

· Eisenberg, Daniel (1987). A Study of Don Quixote. Juan de la Cuesta Press.

· Fernández, James D. (1994). The Bonds of Patrimony: Cervantes and the New World. PMLA 109, 5: 969-81.

· Forcione, Alban K. (1972). Cervantes' Christian Romance: A Study of Persiles y Sigismunda. Princeton University Press.

· Forcione, Alban K. (1982). Cervantes and the Humanist Vision: A Study of Four Exemplary Novels. Princeton University Press.

· Fuchs, Barbara (1996). Border Crossings: Transvestism and Passing in Don Quixote. Cervantes, 16, 2: 4-28.

· Garcés, María Antonia (1989). Zoraida's Veil: the Other Scene of The Captive's Tale. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 23, 1: 65-98.

· Gerli, Michael (1995). Refiguring Authority: Reading, Writing, and Rewriting in Cervantes. University Press of Kentucky.

· Girard, René (1965). Deceit, Desire, and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure. Trans. Yvonne Freccero. Johns Hopkins Press.

· Haley, George (1965). The Narrator in Don Quijote: Maese Pedro's Puppet Show. MLN 80, 2: 145-165.

· Hammond, Brean S. (1998). Mid-Century Quixotism and the Defence of the Novel, Eighteenth-Century Fiction 10, 3: 1-20.

· Hegyi, Ottmar (1999). Algerian Babel Reflected in Persiles. In Ingeniosa Invención: Essays on Golden Age Spanish Literature for Geoffrey L. Stagg in Honor of His Eightieth Birthday. Ed. Ellen M. Anderson and Amy R. Williamsen. Juan de la Cuesta Press. 225-39.

· Higuera, Henry (1995). Eros and Empire: Politics and Christianity in Don Quixote. Rowman and Littlefield.

· Hutchinson, Steven (1992). Cervantine Journeys. University of Wisconsin Press.

· Ife, Barry W., ed. (1992). Exemplary Novels (Novelas ejemplares) by Miguel de Cervantes. With introductions, translations and notes by Michael and Jonathan Thacker. Aris and Phillips Ltd.

· Ife, Barry W. (1994). The Literary Impact of the New World: Columbus to Carrizales. Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies 3: 65-85.

· Johnson, Carroll B. (1983). Madness and Lust: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Don Quixote. University of California Press.

· Johnson, Carroll B. (1990). Don Quixote: The Quest for Modern Fiction. Twayne.

· Jones, Joseph R. (1999). The Baratarian Archipelago. Ingeniosa Invención: Essays on Golden Age Spanish Literature for Geoffrey L. Stagg in Honor of His Eightieth Birthday. Ed. Ellen M. Anderson and Amy R. Williamsen. Juan de la Cuesta Press, pp. 137-47.

· Mancing, Howard (1982). The Chivalric World of Don Quijote. University of Missouri Press.

· Mann, Thomas (1965). Voyage with Don Quixote (1934). In: Essays of Three Decades. Trans. H.T. Lowe-Porter. Alfred A. Knopf.

· Mariscal, George (1991). Contradictory Subjects: Quevedo, Cervantes, and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Culture. Cornell University Press.

· Martín, Adrienne Laskier (1991). Cervantes and the Burlesque Sonnet. University of California Press.

· Mosquera, Daniel O. (1994). Don Quijote and the Quixotics of Translation. Romance Languages Annual. Ed. Jeanette Beer, Ben Lawton, Patricia Hart. Vol. 6 (1994): 546-550.

· Parr, James A. (1988). Don Quixote: An Anatomy of Subversive Discourse. Juan de la Cuesta.

· Paulson, Ronald (1998). Don Quixote in England: The Aesthetics of Laughter. Johns Hopkins University Press.

· Percas de Ponseti, Helena (1981). The Cave of Montesinos: Cervantes' Art of Fiction. In Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, The Ormsby Translation, Revised. Ed. Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Douglas. W.W. Norton.

· Quixotic Desire: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Cervantes. Ed. Ruth Anthony El Saffar and Diana de Armas Wilson. Cornell University Press. 93-116.

· Raffel, Burton, trans. (1995). The History of that Ingenious Gentleman Don Quijote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. Ed. Diana de Armas Wilson. W.W. Norton.

· Reed, Walter (1981). An Exemplary History of the Novel: The Quixotic versus the Picaresque. University of Chicago Press.

· Riley, E.C. (1962). Cervantes's Theory of the Novel. Clarendon Press.

· Rivers, Elias (1976). Talking and Writing in Don Quixote, Thought 51, 202.

· Round, Nicholas G. (1994). Towards a Typology of Quixotisms, in Edwin Williamson (ed.), Cervantes and the Modernists: The Question of Influence. Tamesis. 9-28.

· Russell, Peter. Cervantes (1985). Oxford University Press.

· Sieber, Diane E. (1998). Mapping Identity in the Captive's Tale: Cervantes and Ethnographic Narrative, Cervantes 18, 1: 115-133.

· Skinner, John (1987). Don Quixote in 18th-Century England: A Study in Reader Response. Cervantes 7, 1: 45-57.

· Smith, Paul Julian (1993). The Captive's Tale: Race, Text, Gender, in Quixotic Desire: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Cervantes, ed. Ruth El Saffar and Diana de Armas Wilson. Cornell University Press. 227-35.

· Spadaccini, Nicholas and Jenaro Talens (1993). Through the Shattering Glass: Cervantes and the Self-Made World. University of Minnesota Press.

· Spitzer, Leo (1948). Linguistic Perspectivism in the Don Quijote, in Linguistics and Literary History. Princeton University Press, pp. 41-85.

· Sullivan, Henry W. (1996). Grotesque Purgatory: A Study of Cervantes's Don Quixote, Part II. Pennsylvania State University Press.

· Williamson, Edwin (1984). The Half-way House of Fiction: Don Quixote and Arthurian Romance. Clarendon Press.

· Wilson, Diana de Armas (1991). Allegories of Love: Cervantes's Persiles and Sigismunda. Princeton University Press.

· Wilson, Diana de Armas (1993). Cervantes and the Night Visitors: Dream Work in the Cave of Montesinos, in Quixotic Desire: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Cervantes. Ed. Ruth Anthony El Saffar and Diana de Armas Wilson. Cornell University Press, pp. 59-80.

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