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Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)

The following sources are recommended by a professor emeritus whose research specialty is George Bernard Shaw.


Six Superlative Sources

· Bentley, Eric. Bernard Shaw: A Reconsideration. W. W. Norton, 1976. The best single book on Shaw's public career.

· Kaye, Julian P. Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Tradition. University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. The best account of Shaw's intellectual background.

· Meisel, Martin. Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Theatre. Princeton University Press, 1963. The best account of Shaw's use of his dramatic heritage.

· Pearson, Hesketh. George Bernard Shaw: His Life and Personality. Methuen, 1961. Atheneum Press, 1963. A concise, readable biography. (There is no "best biography.")

· Laurence, Dan H. Bernard Shaw: A Bibliography, 2 volumes. Oxford University Press, 1983. An indispensable bibliography.

· Shaw Bizness. A useful website that leads to many other Shaw references and websites and that includes announcements of play productions.

Other Excellent Sources


· Haberman, Donald and J. P. Wearing, eds. G. B. Shaw: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings about Him, 3 volumes. Northern Illinois University Press, 1986.


· Henderson, Archibald. George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956.

· Holroyd, Michael. Bernard Shaw: A Biography, 5 volumes. Chatto and Windus, Random House, 1988-1992.

· Peters, Margot. Bernard Shaw and the Actresses: A Biography. Doubleday, 1980.


· Shaw, Bernard. Sixteen Self-Sketches. Collected Works. Constable and Sons, 1931.

· Weintraub, Stanley, ed. Shaw: An Autobiography, 2 volumes. Max Reinhardt, Weybright and Talley, 1969-70.

· Weintraub, Stanley, ed. Bernard Shaw: The Diaries, 2 volumes. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986.


· Laurence, Dan H. Collected Letters, 4 volumes. Viking, 1985-1988.


· SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies. The Pennsylvania State University Press.

· The Independent Shavian. The Bernard Shaw Society. New York.

-- SELECTED CRITISISM--(items selected mainly for their coverage of the many aspects of Shaw's career)

· Abbott, Anthony S. Shaw and Christianity. The Seabury Press, 1965.

· Adams, Elsie B. Bernard Shaw and the Aesthetes. Ohio State University Press, 1971.

· Adams, Elsie B. Critical Essays on George Bernard Shaw. Maxwell Macmillan, 1991.

· Barzun, Jacques. The Energies of Art: Studies of Authors Classic and Modern. Random House Vintage, 1956.

· Bertolini, John A. The Playwrighting Self of Bernard Shaw. Southern Illinois University Press, 1991.

· Black, Martha Fodaski. Shaw and Joyce: "The Last Word in Stolentelling." University Press of Florida, 1995.

· Dietrich, Richard F. Bernard Shaw's Novels: Portraits of the Author as Man and Superman. University Press of Florida, 1996.

· Dietrich, Richard F. British Drama 1890 to 1950: A Critical History. Twayne Publishers, 1989.

· Dukore, Bernard. Shaw's Theatre. The University of Florida Press, 2000.

· Evans, T. F. Shaw: The Critical Heritage. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976.

· Furlong, William B. Shaw and Chesterton: The Metaphysical Jesters. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1970.

· Grene, Nicholas. Bernard Shaw: A Critical View. St. Martin's Press, 1984.

· Kaufmann, R. J., ed. G. B. Shaw: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views. Prentice Hall. 1965.

· Kronenberger, Louis, ed. George Bernard Shaw: A Critical Survey. The World Publishing Co, 1953.

· Lutz, Jerry. Pitchman's Melody: Shaw about Shakespeare. Bucknell University Press, 1974.

· May, Keith M. Ibsen and Shaw. Macmillan, 1985.

· Morgan, Margery M. The Shavian Playground. Methuen, 1972.

· Nethercot, Arthur. Men and Supermen: The Shavian Portrait Gallery. Benjamin Blom, 1954.

· Reynolds, Jean. Pygmalion's Wordplay: The Postmodern Shaw. The University of Florida Press, 1999.

· Turco, Jr., Alfred. Shaw's Moral Vision: The Self and Salvation. Cornell University Press, 1976.

· Trilling, Lionel. The Triple Thinkers. Oxford University Press, 1963.

· Valency, Maurice. The Cart and the Trumpet: The Plays of George Bernard Shaw. Oxford University Press, 1973.

· Whitman, Robert F. Shaw and the Play of Ideas. Cornell University Press, 1971.

· Wilson, Colin. Bernard Shaw: A Reassessment. Hutchinson and Co., 1969.

· Wisenthal, J. L. The Marriage of Contraries: Bernard Shaw's Middle Plays. Harvard University Press, 1974.

· Wisenthal, J. L. Shaw and Ibsen: Bernard Shaw's The Quintessence of Ibsenismâ and Related Writings. University of Toronto Press, 1979.

· Wisenthal, J. L. Shaw's Sense of History. Clarendon Press-Oxford, 1988.

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