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Soap Making

The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is soap making.


Six Superlative Sources

· Colonial Days and Ways, Helen Evertson Smith, The Century Company, 1900

· Home Life in Colonial Days, Alice Morse Earle, The MacMillan Companyâ 1899

· The Arts and Crafts in New England, George Francis Dow, Da Carpo Press, 1967

· The Seasons of America Past, Eric Sloane, Wilfred Funk, Inc., 1958

· Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, George Frances Dow, Dover Publications, 1988

· Over the Counter and on the Shelf, Laurence A. Johnson, Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers, 1961

Other Excellent Sources

· A Book of Country Things, Barrows Mussey, Stephen Greene Press, 1965

· A Long, Deep Furrow, Howard S. Russell, University Press of New England, 1982

· Colonial Craftsmen, Edwin Tunis, The World Publishing Company, 1965

· Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County, The Boston History Company, 1894

· Making Soaps and Candles, Phyllis Hobson, Storey Communications, Inc., 1973

· Soap, Ann Bramson, Workman Publishing Company, 1975

· The Art of Soap Making, Merilyn Mohr, Camden House Publishing, 1979

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