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Education -- Alternative -- United States

The following sources are recommended by an expert whose research specialty is alternative education in the United States.


Six Superlative Sources

· The International Association for Learning Alternatives.

· Iowa Association of Alternative Education.

· Barr, Robert D., and Parrett, William H. (2001). Hope Fulfilled for At-Risk and Violent Youth. Allyn and Bacon.

· Alternative Education Resource Organization.

· National Dropout Prevention Center/Network.

· Kohn, Alfie. (2000). The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving beyond Traditional Classrooms and "Tougher Standards." Houghton Mifflin.

Other Excellent Sources

· At the Table. Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development.

· Barr, Robert D., and Parrett, William H. (1997). How to Create Alternative, Magnet, and Charter Schools That Work. National Educational Service.

· Barr, Robert D., and Parrett, William H. (Spring 1997). "Reading/Alternative Schools: Keys to Safer Communities." School Safety, 20-24.

· Boyer, Ernest L. (1983). High School: A Report on Secondary Education in America. Harper and Row.

· Buckingham, Marcus, and Court, Coffman. (1999). First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. Simon and Schuster.

· Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk (CRESPAR). John's Hopkins and Howard University.

· Center for Social Organization of Schools. Johns Hopkins University.

· Chalker, Christopher S. (1996). Effective Alternative Education Programs: Best Practices from Planning through Evaluating. Technomic Publishing.

· Chalker, Christopher S., and Brown, Kimila S. (1999). Effective Alternative Education Programs: Solutions for K-8 Students at Risk. Technomic Publishing.

· Clark, Edward T., Jr. (2002). Designing and Implementing an Integrated Curriculum: A Student-Centered Approach: Holistic Education Press.

· Critical Issue: Dynamic Debate -- Determining the Evolving Impact of Charter Schools. Pathways to School Improvement. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).

· Cushman, Kathleen. (June 1999). "Essential School Structures and Design: Boldest Moves Get the Best Results." Horace, 15(5), 1-7.

· Dynarski, Mark, and Gleason, Philip. (1999). How Can We Help? Understanding Dropout Prevention Programs. Mathematica Policy Research.

· Fager, J., and Boss, S. (1998). Peaceful Schools. Northwest Educational Laboratory.

· Goodlad, John I. (1984). A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future. McGraw-Hill.

· Gregory, Thomas B., and Smith, Gerald R. (1987). High Schools as Communities: The Small School Reconsidered. Phi Delta Kappa Foundation.

· Gregory, Thomas B. (1993). Making High School Work: Lessons from the Open School. Teachers College Press.

· Harmin, Merrill. (1994). Inspiring Active Learning: A Handbook for Teachers. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

· Jensen, Eric P. (1994). Super-Teaching: Master Strategies for Building Student Success. Turning Point for Teachers.

· John Dewey Project on Progressive Education. University of Vermont.

· Kellmayer, John. (1995). How to Establish an Alternative School. Corwin Press.

· Kessler, Rachael. (2000). The Soul of Education: Helping Students Find Connection, Compassion, and Character at School. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

· Kohn, Alfie. (2000). The Case against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools. Heinemann. Other works by Alfie Kohn are available at his web site,

· Lake, Stephen E. (2000). Alternative Schools: Legal Guidance for Serving Special Education Students. LRP Publications.

· McGuinness, Diane. (1997). Why Our Children Can't Read and What We Can Do about It. Free Press.

· McNabb, Scott. (September, 1999). "The Personal Approach in Alternative Schools: Roles, Realities, and Relationships." Iowa Educational Leadership.

· Mendler, Allen N. (2000). Power Struggles: Successful Techniques for Educators. Discipline Associates.

· Miller, Ron. (2000). Creating Learning Communities: Models, Resources, and New Ways of Thinking about Teaching and Learning. Foundation for Educational Renewal.

· Morley, Raymond E. Resources in Alternative Education. Iowa Association of Alternative Education, April 2001. Includes extensive annotations.

· Muncey, Donna E., and McQuillan, Patrick J. (1993). "Preliminary Findings from a Five-Year Study of the Coalition of Essential Schools." Phi Delta Kappan, 74(6), 486-89.

· Nathan, Joe. (1989). Public Schools by Choice: Expanding Opportunities for Parents, Students, and Teachers. The Institute for Learning and Teaching.

· Nathan, Joe. (1996). Charter Schools: Creating Hope and Opportunity for American Education. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

· National Association of Secondary School Principals. (1996). Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution. National Association of Secondary School Principals.

· National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

· National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools (NCACS).

· Northwest Evaluation Association.

· Palmer, Parker. (1998). The Courage to Teach. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

· Parson, Steve R. (1999). Transforming Schools into Community Learning Centers. Eye on Education.

· Paths of Learning. The Foundation for Educational Renewal.

· Payne, Ruby. (1999). A Framework for Understanding Poverty. RFT Publishing.

· Phi Delta Kappa International. (1968-present, annual). Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Polls of the Public's Attitudes toward the Public Schools.

· Priesnitz, Wendy. (1995). School Free: The Home Schooling Handbook. Alternate Press.

· Pucel, David J. (2001). Beyond Vocational Education: Career Majors, Tech Prep, Schools within Schools, Magnet Schools, and Academies. Eye on Education.

· Raywid, Mary Ann. (1999). "Central Park East Secondary School: The Anatomy of Success." Journal of Education for Students Placed At-Risk, 4(2), 131-51.

· Reviews of Alternative Education Books. Spinning Globe: A Living and Learning Home Page.

· Schargel, Franklin P., and Smink, Jay. (2001). Strategies to Help Solve Our School Dropout Problem. Eye on Education.

· Sizer, Theodore. (1984). Horace's Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School. Houghton Mifflin.

· Skromme, Arnold B. (1998). The Cause and Cure of Dropouts: Seven Bell Curves for Each Student. Self-Confidence Press.

· Smith, Gerald R., Gregory, Thomas B., and Pugh, Richard C. (1981). "Meeting Student Needs: Evidence for the Superiority of Alternative Schools." Phi Delta Kappan, 62(8), 561-64.

· Solution Tree.

· Steinberg, Laurence. (1996). Beyond the Classroom: Why School Reform Has Failed and What Parents Need to Do. Touchstone.

· Stronge, James H., and Reed-Victor, Evelyn. (2000). Educating Homeless Students: Promising Practices. Eye on Education.

· Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Policy. (1983). Making the Grade. Twentieth Century Fund.

· U.S. Charter Schools.

· Veale, James, and Morley, Raymond E. (1990). The Costs of Dropping out of School and the Productivity Benefits of Returning and Graduating. Office of Educational Services for Children, Families and Communities, Iowa Department of Education.

· Veale, James. (2002). The Costs of Dropping out of School in Iowa. Iowa Association of Alternative Education.

· Wehlage, Gary G., Rutter, Robert A., Smith, Gregory A., Lesko, Nancy, and Fernandez, Ricardo R. (1989). Reducing the Risk: Schools as Communities of Support. Falmer Press.

· White, Ann T. (1999). Twelve Commandments for People Who Work with People. Threadgill Press.

· Williams, Thomas L. (2001). The Directory of Programs for Students at Risk. Eye on Education.

· Young, Timothy W. (1990). Public Alternative Education: Options and Choice for Today's Schools. Teachers College Press.


· Alternative Network Journal. (2000-present).

· Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice. (1987-present).

· Paths of Learning: Options for Families and Communities. (1999-present).

· Phi Delta KAPPAN. (April 2001). Special issue devoted to alternative education.

· NEA Today: A Newspaper for Members of the National Education Association. (1982-present).

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