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Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is philosopher Alfred North Whitehead.


Six Superlative Sources

· Christian, William A. An Interpretation of Whitehead's Metaphysics. Greenwood Press, 1959.

· Jones, Judith A. Intensity: An Essay in Whiteheadian Ontology. Vanderbilt University Press, 1998.

· Lowe, Victor. Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.

· Lowe, Victor. Understanding Whitehead. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966.

· Nobo, Jorge Luis. Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity. State University of New York Press, 1986.

· Schilpp, Paul Arthur, editor. The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 3, Open Court Press, 1941.

Other Excellent Sources

· Alfred North Whitehead. The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archives. University of St. Andrews.

· The Australasian Association for Process Thought.

· The Center for Process Studies.

· Ford, Lewis. The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics: 1925-1929. State University of New York Press, 1984.

· Hall, David. The Civilization of Experience: A Whiteheadian Theory of Culture. Fordham University Press, 1973.

· Hartshorne, Charles. Whitehead's Philosophy: Selected Essays, 1935-1970. University of Nebraska Press, 1972.

· Leclerc, Ivor. Whitehead's Metaphysics: An Introductory Exposition. Macmillan Press, 1958.

· Sherburne, Donald W., editor. A Key to Whitehead's Process and Reality. The University of Chicago Press, 1966.

· Sherburne, Donald W. A Whiteheadian Aesthetic. Yale University Press, 1961.

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