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Islam -- Turkey

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the practice of Islam in Turkey.


Six Superlative Sources

· Gole, Nilufer. 1996. The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling. University of Michigan Press.

· Marcus, Julie. 1992. A World of Difference: Islam and Gender Hierarchy in Turkey. Zed Books.

· Ozdemir, Adil, and Kenneth Frank. 2000. Visible Islam in Modern Turkey. St. Martin's Press.

· Shankland, David. 1999. Islam and Society in Turkey. Eothan Press.

· Tapper, Richard, ed. 1991. Islam in Modern Turkey: Religion, Politics, and Literature in a Secular State. I.B. Tauris.

· Toprak, Binnaz. 1981. Islam and Political Development in Turkey. E.J. Brill.

Other Excellent Sources

· Lifchez, Raymond, ed. 1992. The Dervish Lodge: Architecture, Art, and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey. University of California Press.

· Mardin, Serif. 1989. Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey: The Case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. State University of New York.

· Olson, Emelie. 1994. "The Use of Religious Symbol Systems and Ritual in Turkey: Women's Activities at Muslim Saints' Shrines." Muslim World 84: 202-216.

· Olson, Emelie. 1999. "Muslim Identity and Secularism in Contemporary Turkey: 'The Headscarf Dispute.'" In Across the Boundaries of Belief, pp. 291-302. Morton Class and Maxine K. Weisgrau, eds. Westview Press. (Reissue of article originally published in 1985 in Self and Society in the Middle East. Jon W. Anderson and Dale F. Eickelman, eds. Anthropological Quarterly 58(4): 161-171).

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