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Lawrence, D.H. (1885-1930)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the author D.H. Lawrence.


Six Superlative Sources

· Ellis, David. D.H. Lawrence: Dying Game, 1922-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

· Kinkead-Weekes, Mark. D.H. Lawrence: Triumph to Exile, 1912-1922. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

· Squires, Michael, and Lynn K. Talbot. Living at the Edge: A Biography of D.H. Lawrence and Frieda von Richthofen. University of Wisconsin Press, 2002.

· Moynahan, Julian. The Deed of Life: The Novels and Tales of D.H. Lawrence. Princeton University Press, 1963.

· Spilka, Mark. The Love Ethic of D.H. Lawrence. Indiana University Press, 1955.

· Worthen, John. D.H. Lawrence: The Early Years, 1885-1912. Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Other Excellent Sources

· Albright, Daniel. Personality and Impersonality: Lawrence, Woolf, and Mann. University of Chicago Press, 1978.

· Anderson, Walter E. "'The Prussian Officer': Lawrence's Version of the Fall of Man Legend." Essays in Literature 12 (1985): 215-23.

· Arnold, Armin. D.H. Lawrence and German Literature. Mansfield/Heinemann, 1963.

· Asher, Kenneth. "Nietzsche, D.H. Lawrence, and Irrationalism." Neophilologus 69 (1985): 1-16.

· Atkins, A.R. "Recognising the 'Stranger' in D.H. Lawrence's The Trespasser." Cambridge Quarterly 20 (1991): 1-20.

· Balbert, Peter, and Phillip L. Marcus, eds. D.H. Lawrence: A Centenary Consideration. Cornell University Press, 1985.

· Baron, Helen. "Disseminated Consciousness in Sons and Lovers." Essays in Criticism 48 (1998): 357-78.

· Bell, Michael H. D.H. Lawrence: Language and Being. Cambridge University Press, 1992.

· Bell, Millicent. "D.H. Lawrence and the Flight from History." The Sewanee Review 106.4 (1998): 604-18.

· Black, Michael. D.H. Lawrence: The Early Philosophical Works. Cambridge University Press, 1992.

· Brown, Keith, ed. Rethinking Lawrence. Open University Press, 1990.

· Brunsdale, Mitzi M. The German Effect on D.H. Lawrence His Works, 1885-1912. Lang, 1978.

· Carswell, Catherine. The Savage Pilgrimage: A Narrative of D.H. Lawrence. 1932. Cambridge University Press, 1981.

· Cowan, James C. D.H. Lawrence and the Trembling Balance. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990.

· The D.H. Lawrence Collections at the University of Nottingham Library. University of Nottingham Library.

· The D.H. Lawrence Research Centre. University of Nottingham.

· The D.H. Lawrence Review. 1968-2002.

· Daleski, H.M. The Forked Flame: A Study of D.H. Lawrence. 1965. University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

· Dalgarno, Emily K. "D.H. Lawrence: Social Ideology in Visual Art." Mosaic 22 (1989): 1-18.

· Delany, Paul. D.H. Lawrence's Nightmare. Basic Books, 1978.

· Delavenay, Emile. D.H. Lawrence, L'homme et la genese de son oeuvre, les annees de formation, 1885-1919. C. Klincksieck, 1969.

· Delavenay, Emile. "Notes sur une exemplaire de Schopenhauer." D.H. Lawrence: A Composite Biography. Edward Nehls, ed. University of Wisconsin Press, 1957. 66-70.

· Doherty, Gerald. "Death and the Rhetoric of Representation in D.H. Lawrence's Women in Love." Mosaic 27 (1994): 55-72.

· Doherty, Gerald. "The Dialectics of Space in D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers." Modern Fiction Studies 39 (1993): 327-43.

· Doherty, Gerald. "One Vast Hermeneutic Sentence: The Total Lawrentian Text." PMLA 106 (1991): 1134-45.

· Donaldson, George and Mara Kalnins, eds. D.H. Lawrence in Italy and England. Palgrave, 1999.

· Ebbatson, Roger. The Evolutionary Self: Hardy, Forster, Lawrence. Harvester Press, 1982.

· Edwards, Duane. "Erich Neumann and the Shadow Problem in The Plumed Serpent." The D.H. Lawrence Review 23 (1991): 129-41.

· Ellis, David, and Howard Mills. D.H. Lawrence's Non-Fiction: Art, Thought and Genre. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

· Fernihough, Anne. D.H. Lawrence: Aesthetics and Ideology. Clarendon Press, 1992.

· Fjågesund, Peter. The Apocalyptic World of D.H. Lawrence. Norwegian University Press, 1991.

· Goodheart, Eugene. The Utopian Vision of D.H. Lawrence. University of Chicago Press, 1963.

· Green, Eleanor H. "Lawrence, Schopenhauer, and the Dual Nature of the Universe." South Atlantic Bulletin 42 (1977): 84-92.

· Green, Eleanor H. "Schopenhauer and D.H. Lawrence on Sex and Love." The D.H. Lawrence Review 8 (1975): 329-45.

· Heywood, Christopher, ed. D.H. Lawrence: New Studies. St. Martin's, 1987.

· Hochman, Baruch. Another Ego: The Changing View of Self and Society in the Work of D.H. Lawrence. University of South Carolina Press, 1970.

· Holderness, Graham. D.H. Lawrence: History, Ideology, and Fiction. Gill and Macmillan, 1982.

· Hough, Graham. The Dark Sun: A Study of D.H. Lawrence. Macmillan, 1957.

· Ingersoll, Earl G. D.H. Lawrence, Desire, and Narrative. University Press of Florida, 2001.

· Kalnins, Mara, ed. D.H. Lawrence: Centenary Essays. Bristol Classical Press, 1986.

· Kinkead-Weekes, Mark. D.H. Lawrence: Triumph to Exile, 1912-1922. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

· Koh, Jae-kyung. "D.H. Lawrence and Michel Foucault: A Poetics of Historical Vision." Neophilologus 83.2 (1999): 169-85.

· Leavis, F.R. D.H. Lawrence: Novelist. Knopf, 1956.

· Leavis, F.R. Thought, Words And Creativity: Art and Thought in Lawrence. Chatto and Windus, 1976.

· Levy, Eric P. "Lawrence's Psychology of Void and Center in Women in Love." The D.H. Lawrence Review 23 (1991): 5-19.

· Levy, Mervyn, ed. Paintings of D.H. Lawrence.Cory, Adams and Mackay, 1964.

· Lodge, David. "Lawrence, Dostoevsky and Bakhtin: D.H. Lawrence and Dialogic Fiction." Renaissance and Modern Studies 29 (1985): 16-32.

· Maddox, Brenda. D.H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage. W.W. Norton, 1994.

· Malraux, André. Préface. L'Amant de Lady Chatterley. By D.H. Lawrence. Gallimard, 1932. 7-10.

· Meyers, Jeffrey. D.H. Lawrence. Vintage, 1992.

· Meyers, Jeffrey, ed. D.H. Lawrence and Tradition. University of Massachusetts Press, 1985.

· Milton, Colin. Lawrence and Nietzsche: A Study in Influence. Aberdeen University Press, 1987.

· Montgomery, Robert E. The Visionary D.H. Lawrence: Beyond Philosopy and Art. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

· Moore, Harry T., ed. A D.H. Lawrence Miscellany. Southern Illinois University Press, 1959.

· Moore, Harry T. The Priest of Love: A Life of D.H. Lawrence. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.

· Nehls, Edward H., ed. D.H. Lawrence: A Composite Biography. University of Wisconsin Press, 1957.

· Pichardie, Jean-Paul, and Philippe Romanski, eds. Like a Black and White Kaleidoscope Tossed at Random: Essays on D.H. Lawrence's Women in Love. University of Rouen Press, 2001.

· Pilditch, Jan, ed. The Critical Response to D.H. Lawrence. Greenwood Press, 2001.

· Pinkey, Tony. D.H. Lawrence and Modernism. University of Iowa Press, 1990.

· Poplawski, Paul. Promptings of Desire: Creativity and the Religious Impulse in the Works of D.H. Lawrence. Greenwood Press, 1993.

· Preston, Peter, and Peter Hoare, eds. D.H. Lawrence in the Modern World. Cambridge University Press, 1989.

· Roberts, Warren, and Paul Poplawski. A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence. Third ed. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

· Sargent, M. Elizabeth, and Garry Watson. "D.H. Lawrence and the Dialogical Principle: 'The Strange Reality of Otherness.'" College English 63.4 (March 2001): 409-36.

· Schapiro, Barbara A. D.H. Lawrence and the Paradoxes of Psychic Life. SUNY Press, 1999.

· Scheckner, Peter. Class, Politics and the Individual: A Study of the Major Works of D.H. Lawrence. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Associated University Presses, 1985.

· Scherr, Barry J. D.H. Lawrence's Response to Plato. Peter Lang, 1996.

· Schneider, Daniel J. Consciousness of D.H. Lawrence: An Intellectual Biography. Kansas University Press, 1986.

· Schneider, Daniel J. "D.H. Lawrence and the Early Greek Philosophers." The D.H. Lawrence Review 17 (1984): 97-109.

· Schneider, Daniel J. D.H. Lawrence: The Artist as Psychologist. Kansas University Press, 1984.

· Spender, Stephen, ed. D.H. Lawrence: Novelist, Poet, Prophet. Harper and Row, 1973.

· Spera, Giovanna. D.H. Lawrence's Dualistic Impulses in His Writings about Italy. Congedo Editore, 1995.

· Squires, Michael. "D.H. Lawrence's Narrators, Sources of Knowledge, and the Problem of Coherence." Criticism 37 (1995): 469-91.

· Squires, Michael. The Pastoral Novel. University Press of Virginia, 1974.

· Stewart, Jack F. "Metaphor and Metonymy, Color and Space, in Lawrence's Sea and Sardinia." Twentieth Century Literature 41 (1995): 208-23.

· Stewart, Jack F. The Vital Art of D.H. Lawrence: Vision and Expression. Southern Illinois University Press, 1999.

· Tague, Gregory Frank. "Levels of Participatory Experience in D.H. Lawrence's Italy Books." RE:AL, The Journal of Liberal Arts 25.2 (2000): 49-67.

· Tague, Gregory Frank. "The Peculiar Morality of the Artist." Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 2.2 (July 2001).

· Tague, Gregory Frank. "Self Recovery in D.H. Lawrence: Schopenhauer, Estrangement and the Sublime." Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literary, Composition, and Pedagogical Theory 8.1 and 8.2 (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter 2000): 53-64.

· Templeton, Wayne D. States of Estrangement: The Novels of D.H. Lawrence, 1912-1917. Whitson, 1989.

· Tenenbaum, Elizabeth. The Problematic Self. Harvard University Press, 1977.

· Topia, André. "Women in Love: L'Espace, le corps, la machine." L'Espace litteraire dans la littérature et la culture anglo- saxonnes. Bernard Brugiere, ed. Sorbonne, 1995. 79-100.

· Tracy, Billy T., Jr. D.H. Lawrence and the Literature of Travel. UMI, 1983.

· Trilling, Diana, ed. The Portable D.H. Lawrence. Penguin, 1977.

· Verhoeven, W.M. "D.H. Lawrence's Duality Concept in The White Peacock." Neophilologus 69 (1985): 294-317.

· Wallace, M. Elizabeth. "The Circling Hawk: Philosophy of Knowledge in Polanyi and Lawrence." The Challenge of D.H. Lawrence. Michael Squires and Keith Cushman, eds. University of Wisconsin Press, 1990. 105-19.

· Watson, G. "D.H. Lawrence (in Women in Love) on the Desire for Difference and 'The Facism in Us All.'" Cambridge Quarterly 26 (1997): 140-54.

· Whelan, P.T. D.H. Lawrence: Myth and Metaphysic in The Rainbow and Women in Love. UMI Research Press, 1988.

· Williams, Raymond. The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence. Oxford University Press, 1970.

· Worthen, John. Biography of D.H. Lawrence. University of Nottingham.

· Worthen, John. D.H. Lawrence: A Literary Life. St. Martin's, 1989.

· Wright, T.R. D.H. Lawrence and the Bible. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

· Yudhishtar. Conflict in the Novels of D.H. Lawrence. Oliver and Boyd, 1969.

· Zoll, Allan R. "Vitalism and the Metaphysics of Love: D.H. Lawrence and Schopenhauer." The D.H. Lawrence Review 11 (1978): 1-20.

· Zytaruk, George J. "The Doctrine of Individuality: D.H. Lawrence's 'Metaphysic.'" D.H. Lawrence: A Centenary Consideration. Peter Balbert and Phillip L. Marcus, eds. Cornell University Press, 1985. 237-53.

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