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Physical Education -- Elementary

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is physical education in primary schools.


Six Superlative Sources

· De Marco, G.M. (1999). Physical education teachers of the year: Who they are, what they think, say, and do. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 10(2), 11-13.

· Graham, G., Hale, S., and Parker, M. (1998). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education (4th ed.). Mayfield.

· Graham, G., Hopple, C., Manross, M., and Sitzman, T. (1993). Novice and experienced children's physical education teachers: Insights into their situational decision making. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 12, 197-214.

· Hale, S. (1998). On the move: Lesson plans to accompany Children Moving (4th ed.). Mayfield.

· Manross, D.P., and Templeton, C. (1997). Expertise in teaching physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 68(3), 29-35.

· PE Central: The Ultimate Web Site for Physical Education Teachers

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