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Composition (Language Arts) -- Computer-Assisted Instruction

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the use of computers in teaching composition.


Six Superlative Sources

· The Alliance for Computers and Writing

· Computers and Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing. Ablex Publishing, Inc., ISSN 8755-4615.

· Hawisher, G.; LeBlanc, P.; Moran, C.; Selfe, C. (1996). Computers and the Teaching of Writing in American Higher Education, 1979-1994: A History. Ablex Publishing, Inc., ISBN 1-56750-252-0.

· Riess, D.; Selfe, D; Young, A. (Eds.) (1998). Electronic Communication across the Curriculum. NCTE., ISBN 0-8141-1308-7.

· Selber, S. (Ed.) (1997). Computers and Technical Communication: Pedagogical and Programmatic Perspectives. Ablex Publishing, Inc., ISBN 1-56750-331-4.

· Sullivan, P.; Porter, J. (1997). Opening Spaces: Writing Technologies and Critical Research Practices. Ablex Publishing, Inc., ISBN 1-56750-308-X.

Other Excellent Sources

· Apple, M.W. (1986). Teachers and Texts: A Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations in Higher Education. Routledge and Kegan Paul.

· Faigley, Lester (1997). Literacy after the Revolution. College Composition and Communication, 48(1), p. 30-43.

· Hawisher, G.; and Selfe, C. (Eds.) (1999). Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies. Utah State University Press.

· Jessup, E. (1991). Feminism and Computers in Composition Instruction. In G.E. Hawisher and C.L. Selfe (Eds.), Evolving Perspectives on Computers and Composition Studies (pp. 336-355). The National Council of Teachers of English and Computers and Composition Press.

· Johnson-Eilola, J. (1997). Nostalgic Angels: Rearticulating Hypertext Writing. Ablex.

· Hobson, E. (Ed.) (1999). Wiring the Writing Center. Utah State University Press.

· Porter, J. (1998). Rhetorical Ethics and Internetworked Writing. Ablex.

· Selfe, C.L. (1989). Creating a Computer-Supported Writing Facility: A Blueprint for Action. Computers and Composition Press.

· Selfe, C.L.; and Selfe, R.J. (1994). The Politics of the Interface: Power and It's Exercise in Electronic Contact Zones. College Composition and Communication, 45(4), 480-504.

· Selfe, C.L. (1996). Theorizing E-Mail for the Practice, Instruction, and Study of Literacy. In P. Sullivan and J. Dautermann (Eds.), Electronic Literacies in the Workplace: Technologies of Writing (pp. 255-293). NCTE and Computers and Composition Press.

· Ohmann, R. (1985). Literacy, Technology, and Monopoly Capitalism. College English, 47(7), p. 675-689.

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