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Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Bibliographies

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the Vietnam War.


Six Superlative Sources

· Brown, F.C. and B. Laurie. Annotated Bibliography of Vietnam Fiction: 500 titles Dealing with the Conflict in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Rice Paddy Press, 1986.

· Peake, Louis A. The United States in the Vietnam War. Garland Publishers, 1985.

· Newman, John, et al., eds. Vietnam War Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Imaginative Works about Americans Fighting in Vietnam. 3nd ed. Scarecrow Press, 1996.

· Marr, David G. World Bibliographic Series, Vol 147: Vietnam. ABC-Clio, 1993.

· Vietnam War Bibliography, by Edwin E. Moïse.

· Schafer, John. Vietnamese Perspectives on the War in Vietnam: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English. Yale University Council on Southeast Asian Studies, 1997. Also found at

Other Excellent Sources

· Brune, Lester H. America and the Indochina Wars, 1945-1990: A Bibliographic Guide. Regina Books, 1992.

· Dunn, Joe P. Teaching the Vietnam War: Resources and Assessments. Center for the Study of Armament and Disarmament, 1990.

· Gilbert, Marc Jason, ed. The Vietnam War: Teaching Approaches and Resources. Greenwood Press, 1991.

· Jason, Philip K. The Vietnam War in Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism. Salem Press, 1992.

· Lomperis, Timothy. Reading the Wind: The Literature of the Vietnam War. Duke University Press, 1986.

· Olson, James S., ed. The Vietnam War: Handbook of the Literature and Research. Greenwood Press, 1993.

· Singleton, Carl. Vietnam Studies: An Annotated Bibliography. Scarecrow Press; and Salem Press, 1997.

· Wittnam, Sandra M. Writing about Vietnam: A Bibliography of the Literature of the Vietnam Conflict. G.K. Hall, 1989.

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