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Roussel, Albert (1869-1937)

The following sources are recommended by a librarian whose research specialty is composer Albert Roussel.


Six Superlative Sources

· Crichton, Roger. "Roussel's Stage Works," Musical Times CX (1969), 729-733.

· Deane, Basil. Albert Roussel. Barrie and Rockliff, 1961; Greenwood Press, 1980.

· Demuth, Norman. Albert Roussel. United Music, 1947; Greenwood Press, 1979.

· Eddins, John M. "The Symphonic Music of Albert Roussel," diss. Florida State University, 1967.

· Follet, Robert. Albert Roussel: A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1988.

· Myers, Rollo. Modern French Music. Praeger, 1971; Blackwell, 1984.

Other Excellent Sources

· Albert Roussel: Musique et Esthétique. J. Vrin, 1989.

· Catalogue de l'Oeuvre d'Albert Roussel. Paris, 1947.

· Hoérée, Andre. Albert Roussel. Rieder, 1938.

· Lesure, François. Albert Roussel, 1869-1937, Bibliothèque Nationale, 23 Sept-15 Oct, 1969. Bibliothèque Nationale, 1969.

· Labelle, Nicole. Albert Roussel: Letters et Écrits. Flammarion, 1987.

· Labelle, Nicole. Catalogue Raisonné de l'Oeuvre d'Albert Roussel. Département d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, Collège Erasme, 1992.

· Revue Musicale. Roussel issues: x/6 (1928-29); no. 178 (1937); no. 400-401, 1987.

· Vuillemin, Louis. Albert Roussel et Son Oeuvre. A. Durand, 1924.

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