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Music -- Oceania (Pacific Islands)

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is the music of the Pacific Islands.


Six Superlative Sources

· Barwick, Linda, Allan Marett, and Guy Tunstill, ed. 1995. The Essence of Singing and the Substance of Song: Recent Responses to the Aboriginal Performing Arts and Other Essays in Honour of Catherine Ellis. Oceania monograph 46. University of Sydney.

· Fischer, Hans. 1986. Sound-Producing Instruments in Oceania. Edited by Don Niles. Translated by Philip W. Holzknecht. Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.

· Highland, Genevieve A., Roland W. Force, Alan Howard, Marion Kelly, and Yosihiko H. Sinoto. 1967. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory. Special Publication 56. Bishop Museum Press.

· Kaeppler, Adrienne L., and J. W. Love. 1998. Australia and the Pacific Islands. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, 9. Garland Publishing. 1088 pp. 445 illust. 10 maps. index.

· McLean, Mervyn. 1995. An Annotated Bibliography of Oceanic Music and Dance. Revised and enlarged second edition. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, 74. Harmonie Park Press.

· Webb, Michael. 1993. Lokal [sic] Music: Lingua Franca Song and Identity in Papua New Guinea. Apwitihire, 3. National Research Institute.

Other Excellent Sources

· Ammann, Raymond. 1994. Kanak Dance and Music: Ceremonial and Intimate Performance of the Melanesians of New Caledonia. Nouméa: Agence de Développement de la Culture Kanak.

· Beloff, Jim. 1977. The Ukulele: A Visual History. Miller Freeman Books.

· Breen, Marcus, ed. 1989. Our Place Our Music: Aboriginal Music. Australian Popular Music in Perspective, 2. Aboriginal Studies Press.

· Chenoweth, Vida. 1972. Melodic Perception and Analysis: A Manual on Ethnic Melody. Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

· Davey, Tim, and Horst Puschmann. 1996. Kiwi Rock: A Reference Book. Kiwi Rock Publications.

· Feld, Steven. 1990. Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression. 2nd ed. University of Pennsylvania Press.

· Firth, Raymond. 1991. Tikopia Songs: Poetic and Musical Art of a Polynesian People of the Solomon Islands. Cambridge Studies in Oral and Traditional Culture, 20. Cambridge University Press.

· Gell, Antony Francis. 1975. Metamorphosis of the Cassowaries: Umeda Society, Language and Ritual. Athlone Press.

· Hayward, Philip, Tony Mitchell, and Roy Shuker, ed. 1994. North Meets South: Popular Music in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Umina, Perfect Beat Publications.

· Herdt, Gilbert H. 1981. Guardians of the Flutes: Idioms of Masculinity. McGraw-Hill.

· Kaeppler, Adrienne L., and H. Arlo Nimmo. 1976. Directions in Pacific Traditional Literature: Essays in Honor of Katharine Luomala. Special Publication 62. Bishop Museum Press.

· Kanahele, George S., ed. 1979. Hawaiian Music and Musicians: An Illustrated History. University of Hawaii Press.

· Kunst, Jaap. 1967. Music in New Guinea: Three Studies. Translated by Jeune Scott-Kemball. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 53. Martinus Nijhoff.

· Love, Jacob Wainwright. 1991. Samoan Variations: Essays on the Nature of Traditional Oral Arts. Harvard Dissertations in Folklore and Oral Tradition. Edited by Albert B. Lord. Garland Publishing.

· McLean, Mervyn. 1996. Maori Music. Auckland University Press.

· Mitchell, Ewen. 1996. Contemporary Aboriginal Music. Ausmusic.

· Moulin, Jane Freeman. 1994. Music of the Southern Marquesas Islands. Occasional Papers in Pacific Ethnomusicology, 3. Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

· Moyle, Alice Marshall, ed. 1992. Music and Dance of Aboriginal Australia and the South Pacific: The Effects of Documentation on the Living Tradition. Papers and discussions of the Colloquium of the International Council for Traditional Music, held in Townsville, Queensland, in 1988. Oceania monograph 41. University of Sydney.

· Nero, Karen, ed. 1992. The Arts and Politics. Special issue. Pacific Studies 15(4).

· Neuenfeldt, Karl William. 1996. The Didjeridu: From Arnhem Land to Internet. Perfect Beat and John Libbey Publications.

· Rossen, Jane Mink. 1987. Songs of Bellona Island. 2 vols. Language and Culture of Rennell and Bellona Islands, 6. Forlaget Kragen.

· Stella, Regis. 1990. Forms and Styles of Traditional Banoni Music. Apwitihire, 1. National Research Institute.

· Tatar, Elizabeth. 1982. Nineteenth Century Hawaiian Chant. Pacific Anthropological Records, 33. Department of Anthropology, Bishop Museum.

· Webb, Michael, and Don Niles. 1986. Riwain: Papua New Guinea Pop Songs. Goroka and Goroka Teachers College and Institute of Papua New Guines Studies.

· Wild, Stephen A., ed. 1986. Rom: An Aboriginal Ritual of Diplomacy. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.

· Yamada, Yoichi. 1997. Songs of Spirits: An Ethnography of Sounds in a Papua New Guinea Society. Apwitihire, 5. Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.

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