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Humor -- Therapeutic

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is therapeutic humor.


Six Superlative Sources

· Berk, L.S., Tan, S.A., Fry, W.F., Napier, B.J., Lee, J.W., Hubbard, R.W., Lewis, J.E., and Eby, W.C. (1989) Neuroendrocrine and stress hormone changes during mirthful laughter. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 298(6), 390-396.

· Cousins, N. (1979) Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient. W.W. Norton.

· Fry, W.F. (1992) The physiologic effects of humor, mirth, and laughter. Journal of the American Medical Association, 267(13), 1857-1858.

· Klein, A. (1989) Healing Power of Humor. Tarcher.

· McGhee, P. (1996) Health, Healing and the Amuse System. Kendall/Hunt.

· Sultanoff, S. (1990-2000) Assorted published articles available on the web at HumorMatters. Topics include: Humor and Health, Humor in the Workplace, Humor and Resilience, Using Humor In Crisis, Humor and Heart Disease, Using Humor in Counseling, The Research on Humor, and more.

Other Excellent Sources

· Adams, P., and Mylander, M. (1993) Gesundheit! Healing Arts Press.

· Berk, L. and Tan, S. (1989) Eustress of mirthful laughter modifies natural killer cell activity. Clinical Research, 37, 115.

· Dillon, K.M., Minchoff, B., and Baker, K.H. (1985-86) Positive emotional states and enhancement of the immune system. International Journal of Psychiatry, 15(1), 13-18.

· Dossey, L. (1996) Now you are fit to live: Humor and health. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2(5), 8-13, 98-100.

· Dossey, L. (1996) The trickster: Medicine's forgotten character. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2(2), 6-14.

· Fry, William F. (1994) The biology of humor. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 7(2), 111-126.

· Fry, William F. (1977) The respiratory components of mirthful laughter. The Journal of Biological Psychology, 19, 39-50.

· Fry, William F. (1971) Laughter: Is it the best medicine? Stanford M.D., 10, 16-20.

· Fry, William F. (1971) Mirth and oxygen saturation of peripheral blood. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 19, 76-84.

· Gelkopf, M. and Kreitler, S. (1996) Is humor only fun, an alternative cure or magic? The cognitive therapeutic potential of humor. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 10(4), 235-254.

· HumorMatters. This website is devoted to theraptuic humor. It includes articles, references, funny items, resources, a speakers bureau, conference and workshop listings, and news relevant to humor.

· Kubie, L. (1971) The destructive potential of humor in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 861-866.

· Lefcourt, H., Davidson-Katz, K., and Kueneman, K. (1990) Humor and immune system functioning. International Journal of Humor Research, 3(3), 305-321.

· Lefcourt, H. and Martin, R. (1986) Humor and Life Stress. Springer-Verlag.

· Levinson, W., Roter, D., Mullooly, J., Dull, V., and Frankel, R. (1997) Physician-patient communication: The relationship with malpractice claims among primary care physicians and surgeons. Journal of the American Medical Association, 277(7), 553-559.

· Martin, R.A., and Dobbin, J.P. (1988) Sense of humor, hassles, and immunoglubulin A: Evidence for a stress-moderating effect of humor. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 18(2), 93-105.

· Martin, R.A., and Lefcourt, H.M. (1983) Sense of humor as a moderator of the relation between stressors and moods. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 520-525.

· Morreall, J. (1983) Taking Laughter Seriously. State University of New York.

· Porterfield, A.L. (1987) Does sense of humor moderate the impact of life stress on psychological and physiological well-being? Journal of Research in Personality, 21, 306-317.

· Richman, J. (1996) Points of correspondence between humor and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 33(4), 560-566.

· Robinson, V. (1991) Humor and the Health Professions, 2nd ed. Charles B. Slack.

· Rosenheim, E. and Golan, G. (1986) Patients' reactions to humorous interventions in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 40(1), 110-124.

· Salovey, P., Rothman, A., Detweiler, J.B., and Steward, W.T. (2000) Emotional states and physical health. American Psychologist, 55(1), 110-121.

· Seligman, M. (1998) Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life (2nd ed.). Pocket Books.

· Seligman, M., and Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000) Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5-14.

· Sultanoff, S. (1999) Where has all my humor gone; long time passing...humor from children to adults. Therapeutic Humor, "President's Column," 13(4), 2.

· Sultanoff, S. (1999) Examining the research on humor: Being cautious about our conclusions. Therapeutic Humor, "President's Column," 13(3), 3.

· Sultanoff, S. (1999) Tickling our funny bone; humor matters in health. AhHa! Furthering the Understanding of Holistic Health, The Newsletter of the American Holistic Health Association, 5(1), 4.

· Sultanoff, S. (1998) Humor and wellness: Melding the present and the future: Humor and heart disease. Therapeutic Humor, 12(5), 1-2.

· Sultanoff, S. (1995) Using humor in crisis situations. Therapeutic Humor, 9(3), 1-2.

· Sultanoff, S. (1997) Survival of the witty-est: creating resilience through humor. Therapeutic Humor, 11(5), 1-2.

· Sultanoff, S. (1994) Choosing to be amusing; assessing an individual's receptivity to therapeutic humor. Journal of Nursing Jocularity, 4(4), 34-35.

· Sultanoff, S. (1992) Taking humor seriously in the workplace. Orangespiel, Newsletter of the Orange County Chapter, American Society for Training and Development, 20(3), 5-6.

· Sultanoff, S. (1994) Exploring the land of mirth and funny: A voyage through the interrelationships of wit, mirth, and laughter. Laugh It Up, July/August, 3.

· Sultanoff, S. (1994) Therapeutic uses of humor. The California Psychologist, May, 25.

· Sultanoff, S. (1992) The impact of humor in the counseling relationship. Laugh It Up, July/August, 1.

· Sultanoff, S. (1992) Using humor in the counseling relationship. Laugh It Up, May/June, 1.

· Sultanoff, S. (1992) Larry, Moe, and Curly: Jest for perspective? The Voice, Newsletter for AIDS Services Foundation of Orange County, 3.

· Wooten, P. (1994) Heart, Humor, and Healing. Commune-A-Key.

· Wooten, P. (1996) Compassionate Laughter. Commune-A-Key.

· Valiant, G.E. (2000) Adaptive mental mechanisms: Their role in a positive psychology. American Psychologist, 55(1), 89-98.

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