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Groundwater Management -- Southwestern United States

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is groundwater management in the Southwestern United States.


Six Superlative Sources

· Groundwater Management in the West, Zachary Smith and Jeff Ashley (University of Nebraska Press, 1999).

· Groundwater Policy in the Southwest, Zachary Smith (University of Texas, Texas Western Press, 1985).

· Interest Group Interaction and Groundwater Policy Formation in the Southwest, Zachary Smith (University Press of America, 1985).

· Ground Water Atlas of the United States, Segment 2, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Stanley G. Robson and E.R. Banta (U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, 730-C, 1995).

· Killing the Hidden Waters, Charles Bowden (University of Texas Press, 1977).

· Managing Groundwater Quality and Quantity in the Western States: A Report to the Environmental Protection Agency, Denise D. Fort, Vickie L. Gabin, and Ellen Pinnes (The Natural Heritage Institute, 1993).

Other Excellent Sources

· Southwestern Groundwater Law: A Textual and Bibliographic Interpretation, John R. Chalmers (University of Arizona, Office of Arid Lands Studies, Arid Lands Resource Information Paper, No. 4, 1974).

· Water and the Future of the Southwest, Zachary Smith, editor (University of New Mexico Press, 1989).

· Groundwater in the West, Zachary Smith (Academic Press, 1989).

· Centralized Decisionmaking in the Administration of Groundwater Rights: The Experience of Arizona, California and New Mexico and Suggestions for the Future," Zachary Smith, Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 24 (1984).

· Competition for Water Resources: Issues in Federalism," Zachary Smith, Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 1987).

· Stability Amid Change in Federal-State Water Relations," Zachary Smith, Capital University Law Review, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Spring 1986).

· Federal Intervention in the Management of Groundwater Resources," Zachary Smith, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Winter 1985).

· Interstate and International Competition for Water Resources," Zachary Smith, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 5 (October 1987).

· Rewriting California Groundwater Law: Past Attempts and Prerequisites to Reform," Zachary Smith, California Western Law Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1984).

· International Groundwater Management: The Case of the Mexico-United States Frontier, Albert E. Utton and Clifford K. Atkinson (New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, WRRI Report, No. 109, 1979).

· Saving the Hidden Treasure: The Evolution of Ground Water Policy, Henry C. Kenski (Regina Books, 1990).

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