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Consumer Panels

The following sources are recommended by a professor whose research specialty is consumer panels.


Six Superlative Sources

· Sudman, Seymour, and Brian Wansink (2002), Consumer Panels, 2nd Edition, American Marketing Association.

· Finkel, Steven E. (1995), Analyzing Panel Data, Sage Publications.

· Hsiao, Cheng, Peter Hammond, and Alberto Holly (2002), Analysis of Panel Data, Cambridge University Press.

· Rose, David (2001), Researching Social and Economic Change: The Uses of Household Panel Studies, UCL Press.

· Wansink, Brian, and Seymour Sudman (2002), "Building a Successful Convenience Panel," Marketing Research, (Fall), 23-27.

· Wansink, Brian (2002), "Predicting the Future of Consumer Panels," Journal of Database Marketing, 9:4 (June), 301-11.

Other Excellent Sources

· Rizek, Robert L., and Eleanor M. Pao (1990), "Dietary Intake Methodology I. USDA Surveys and Supporting Research," Journal of Nutrition, 120, 1525-29.

· Cornell University Food and Brand Lab.

· A.C. Nielsen: Consumer Panels.

· Decision Analyst: Worldwide Internet Panels.

· Taylor Nelson Sofres: TNS Worldpanel.[OID[6D8AED3B0F6C014CAE967F4FAFB6EF36]]

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